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Featured Artists
20th Century
Masson, André
Laboureur, Jean-Émile
Albright, Ivan
Arms, John Taylor
Pennell, Joseph
Rivière Henri
Schutz, Anton
Chagall, Marc
Rouault, Georges
Müller, Alfredo
Mucha, Alphonse
Robbe, Manuel
Hayter, Stanley William
19th Century
Daumier, Honoré
Corot, Camille
Berthon, Paul
Behrens, Peter
Boldini, Giovanni
Bresdin, Rodolphe
Heath, William
Klimt, Gustav
Meryon, Charles
Millet, Jean-François
Pissarro, Camille
Prout, Samuel
Rysselberghe, Theo van
Tissot, James Joseph
Vuillard, Jean-Édouard
Goya, Francisco
Daniell, William
Charlet, Nicholas Toussaint
Cruikshank, George
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de
Rethel, Alfred
Munch, Edvard
18th Century
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista
Eisen, Charles-Dominique-Joseph
Cozens, John Robert
Caresme, Jacques-Philippe
Bellotto, Bernardo
Brustoloni, Giovanni Battista
Fontebasso, Francesco
Frezza, Giovanni Girolamo
Joli, Antonio
Ricci, Marco
Rowlandson, Thomas
Saint-Aubin, Gabriel de
Schmidt, Georg Friedrich
Soukens, Hendrick
Woodward, George
Vernet, Carle
Volpato, Giovanni
Weiss, Bartholomäus Ignaz
Boucher, Marie-Jeanne
Dietrich, Christian Wilhelm Ernst
Hogarth, William
17th Century
Flemish School (17th Century)
Della Bella, Stefano
Akersloot, Willem Outgertsz
Petersz Berchem, Claes
Bolswert, Schelte
Bosse, Abraham
Buytewech, Willem
Callot, Jacques
De Deyster, Lodewyck
Dusart, Cornelis
Frisius, Simon Wynouts
Gole, Jacob
Goudt, Hendrik
Hollar, Wenceslaus
Hondius, Hendrik
Jegher, Christoffel
Lauwers, Nicolas
Lorrain, Claude
Maratta, Carlo
Ostade, Adriaen van
Quesnel, Augustin
Reni, Guido
Sadeler, Aegidius
Stock, Andries Jacobsz
Testa, Pietro
Van de Velde, Esaias
Van de Velde II, Jan
Van Den Wyngaerde, Frans
Van Sichem, Christoffel
Vrancx, Sebastian
Goltzius, Hendrick
Rosa, Salvator
Cantarini, Simone
Mercati, Giovanni Battista
Grimaldi, Giovanni Francesco
Büsinck, Ludolph
Van Dyck, Anthony
Bega, Cornelis
Van der Gouwen, Willem
Fyt, Jan
Schut, Cornelis
Van Everdingen, Allaert
Voet, Alexander II
Waterloo, Antoni
De Visscher, Cornelis
Van Kessel, Theodor
Lons, Dirk Eversen
Capitelli, Bernardino
Bauduins (Boudewyns), Adriaen Frans
16th Century
Master of the Die
De Gheyn II, Jacob
Cort, Cornelis
Lautensack, Hans Sebald
Pencz, Georg
Procaccini, Camillo
Saenredam, Jan
Vico, Enea
Aldegrever, Heinrich
Vanni, Francesco
Beham, Hans Sebald
Flötner, Peter
Wierix, Hieronymus
Lange, Hans
Art Fairs
Under $15,000
The Denial of the Apostle Peter
Self-Portrait, 55 East Division Street
Albert van der Helle
View of the Château de Fontainebleau
The Inn
Christ Crowned with Thorns Speaking to His Mother
Whistler Asleep Upon a Sofa
The Assumption of the Virgin (After Rubens)
The Forces of France
Frontispiece to La Revue Fantaisiste
Night Festival at San Pietro di Castello
San Giorgio Maggiore
Le Grand Rocher
The Guardian Angel
Le Marchand de Dessins Lithographiques
Le Fort Détaché
The Wreck
Females Bathing, Benares
Saint Mary Magdalen with the Crucifix in a Grotto
Divers Paysages
A Polish Horseman Seen From the Back
Christ on the Mount of Olives
The Drunk Couple
The Large Village Fair
A Garden with Fountains and a Statue of Cupid
Flora and Zephyr
The Backgammon Players
Jupiter and Mercury in the House of Philemon and Baucis
Miren que Grabes!
La Noyée
After, from the pair Before & After
The Analysis of Beauty
Battle of the Pictures
Before, from the pair Before & After
The Bench
Boys Peeping at Nature
The Bruiser
Columbus Breaking the Egg
A Company of Undertakers
Credulity, Superstition, and Fanaticism
The Four Stages of Cruelty, the complete set of four etchings and engravings
Garrick in the Character of Richard III
A Harlot's Progress, the complete set of six etching and engravings
Hogarth Painting the Comic Muse
The Invasion, the pair
Industry and Idleness, the complete set of twelve etchings with some engraving
Martin Folkes Esqr.
Marriage à la Mode, the complete set of six etchings and engravings
Simon Lord Lovat
Southwark Fair
A Stand of Arms, Musical Instruments, etc.
Strolling Actresses Dressing in a Barn
Tail Piece (The Bathos)
Time Smoking a Picture
A Rake's Progress, the complete set of eight etchings and engravings
A Flute
The Brussels Packet
Dutch West India Man
Whitehall from the River
Le Café du Commerce
Chez le Patissier
Le Gardien des Tanagras
Images de l'Arrière: Suite of 10 Woodcuts
Paysage au Tunnel
La Petite Station
Quatre Images Bretonnes: Four Prints
La Ruelle
Les Tranchées dans le Village
Portrait of Hieronymus Schurstab
St. Cecilia With Three Angels Making Music
The Martyrdom of St. Andrew
Le génie de l'espèce
Virgin and Child with St. Catherine
La Pompe Notre-Dame
La Baratteuse
Portrait of Johann Friedrich I (the Magnanimus, Elector of Saxony)
In the Mist of the Morning
Set of the Cows
Veduta della Basilica di S. Giovanni Laterano; St. Giovanni in Laterano
Veduta dell' Esterno della gran Basilica di S. Pietro in Vaticano
Veduta interna della Basilica di S. Pietro in Vaticano;
Veduta della gran Curia Innocenziana edificata sulle rovine dell’ Anfiteatro di Statilio Taurao, che formano l’odierno Monte Citorio
Veduta della Piazza di Monte Cavallo
Veduta del Ponte Molle sul Tevere due miglia lonton da Roma
Veduta del Porto di Ripetta
Two Musicians: A Man with a Guitar and a Woman Playing a Tambourine
The Christ Child with Young John the Baptist
Morgat, Le Bois de Pins
Exotic Warrior with a Bow from "Figurina"
River Gods
Old Woman with a Young Couple
Plaza Lights
Abraham's Sacrifice
Abraham's Sacrifice
Achilles Dragging Hector's Corpse Around the Walls of Troy
The Adoration of the Magi
Glory Crowning Virtue
Old Man with Decorative Cap
St. Francesco di Paula Cures a Possessed Man
Rinaldo Abandons Armida
Au Bord de la Mer
L'Auberge des Trois Corbeaux
Le Banc de Jardin
Le Matin
Matinée de Printemps
En Plein Soleil
The Portico of the National Gallery
The Prodigal Son: Set of Five Prints
Renée Mauperin: Renée and Reverchon Swimming in the Seine
Soirée d'Été
Two Peasants in a Tavern
Brewery to Right of a Road (Brouwery)
Abundance with Horn of Plenty
Bust of a Man with a Plumed Cap
The Peasant's Quarrel
Bateaux dans la Pluie
Le Café-Concert
Nosce Te Ipsum
The Astrologer
Les Deux Belles-Soeurs